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2 May 2017

It's all about you, me, Zen, the Motorcycle and the Universe! -By Rahul Sharma

'ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE' By Robert M Pirsig.-First of all, I would like to thank Dr.Maria Eapen for suggesting me this invaluable piece of read. (4 years passed, but once said, I will never forget something like this!) At times,  all that you need is a stuff to stay out from the normal world, just to get immersed in 'something else' and just become a frill of 'that' edifice and to go with the flow and keep learning and living. This time, it was nothing but this, that looks both inward and outward at the prospects of achieving enlightenment in this complicated world. Something that influenced me the most till date in my life. A very productive reading experience since Wilde, Nietzsche, Ghibran, Aldous Huxley, Jalaluddin Rumi etc.. From Korea to the Americas; From Japan to India; From Dostoyevsky to Omar Khayyam; From Isaac Newton to  Robinson Crusoe ; From Minesota to California; It is where the ego versus the alter ego; From 'PHAEDRUS' to the author and from ZEN to the MOTORCYCLE and its maintenance. Bible, Gita and Quran with a mix of Buddhism and Taoism tastes brilliant and exotic. This cannot be reviewed merely in few words as it teaches something about the 'something between' concepts. I say now the 'MU' Mode is turned ON so as to switch my-self between the modes of classic and romantic tracks. The Oriental meets the Occidental and lays the base of 'Tat vam asi'! A hard core philosophical read, a psychological roller coaster through a parallel world of philosophy, 417 Pages and finished off just in a week's time. Highly recommended, only if you're ready for that. Of course, strictly not everyone's cup of tea,  but I do swear that it certainly offers something just more than a cup of Cappuccino could offer you on a brittle cold morning! Get ready for the ultimate REDEMPTION! Come, Break out and sprout! You cannot explain the READ unless you could explain the RIDE! A Philosophical extravaganza, an extrapolation of life thoughts and an experimental journey through its practical gumption.
#Philosophy #Psychology

By Rahul Sharma